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Andy Lime (she/her)

I am a born and raised Los Angeles based artist and received my Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree from California Institute of the Arts in 2018 and a skills certified in SMAW stick welding from the Welding Certification Center in 2019. For as long as I can remember I have always had a love for art. My drawings often depict a reimagined version of the world around me. Many are of places I have been or see every day, but much more colorful and vibrant. Over the years, as I grew into my queer identity, my art grew as well and changed quite a bit after I came out and became more open within myself. I was able to let go of all the rules I believed I had to follow and allow myself to be free and imagine a brighter future through my darkest moments. My work proudly celebrates all different bodies, identities, and sexualities in a colorful surreal world. 


My sculptures often feature found objects and aquatic life. I have always had a fascination with the deep sea and how alien and otherworldly the creatures looked at the bottom of the ocean. It's hard to believe some of them even exist. It's amazing what lives in this world and what has yet to be discovered. I use both mig and stick welding to make my creations, as well as woodworking. In the past, I have sold artwork at Michael Seewald Gallery in Del Mar, CA and I currently sell my sculptures at Afishinados Art Gallery in Avalon, CA and I sell my drawings at my Etsy store.

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